Saturday, January 1, 2022

See? Two nights in a row.

 It's like a trend or something.

In my quest to loosen up my pen and get the creative juices pumping, I want to record for posterity a couple of objects that have helped me through the pandemic. I'll do one a day for a couple of days. 

The first object made absolutely no material difference to my health in the pandemic, but it served the purpose of a talisman or good luck charm or similar psychological crutch. It was my little bottle of hand sanitizer:


Behold its glory.

I think I got this at Walmart during my first pre-pandemic freak-out. I bought about three 32oz bottles of hand sanitizer and a tiny, portable one that I would refill. To get you in the sort of mindset I was in--my weirdness manifests in strange ways-- I got it in my mind that I needed a funnel to fill the little bottle, so I headed off to the automotive section to find the right one. It was completely unnecessary. Who thinks, damn it, I need a funnel for this apocalypse? A similar buy was a big thing of instant coffee. My reasoning went: I'm addicted to Diet Pepsi, and it's probably because of the caffeine. When I quit drinking coffee, I had headaches for a few weeks. I must never have another headache. Therefore, I must buy a buttload of instant coffee to somehow step down if I need to. Never touched it. This bottle was with me whenever I went anywhere, which was mostly nowhere with occasional runs to the grocery store. You can see that the printing has rubbed off it has been toted around so much. Whenever I touched anything, I gave myself a little squirt of sanitizer; it was like I was training for the OCD Olympics. It turns out that COVID-19 doesn't spread by fomites, but handwashing stations and handwipes remain everywhere. Hygiene theater, they call it. 

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