Thursday, March 10, 2022

Late in the evening....

The recovery from bariatric surgery proceeds apace. We are two weeks and a day out, and I ventured a little cottage cheese. I also tried what some might call a meal. I mean, it's more of an astronaut space meal that could be squeezed through a tube. One "dish" ("squeeze bottle") was a curried chicken salad, pureed. The other was a refried beans with a dash of chili powder, which would have been awesome on nachos if nachos were not verboten. Turns out, the refried beans only had to be fried once. 

This semester, Eve teaches a Tues/Thurs schedule and I'm MFW, but I'm her ride to campus, which means I go every day for at least an hour and a half. Today, I packed a lunch, complete with tiny forks and spoons and chicken salad vindaloo and a pudding. It all went into my lunch box. I have a lunch box. I felt like I was going to camp. 

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