Thursday, May 2, 2019

So it goes....

An interesting aside, as I look at newspapers from the WWII-era. I'm currently looking at Philippine paratroopers (oh, don't you tell me you haven't), and I noticed this item in the Wilmington Morning Star from 27 April 1945:

I only mention it because it confirms the treatment of POWs from the 106th Infantry, the only division that was wiped off the organizational tables during the war. It was overrun at the opening of the Battle of the Bulge. Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five, which drew on his experiences as a POW, mentions the boxcars and lack of facilities, as well as being contracted to work in food factories in Germany. Vonnegut also mentioned that one guard beat him up a little bit after he told them what was going to happen to them when the Russians came.