Monday, December 31, 2018

Ringing in 1919

Just a little look at the front pages of newspapers 100 years ago. I think that it's safe to say I really, really like the Chronicling America website run by the Library of Congress.

Source: The Evening Star (Wash, D.C.) 

Source: The Chattanooga News 

Source: The Carson City Daily Appeal

Source: The Alaska Daily Empire(Juneau)

Source: The Guthrie Daily Leader (OK)

Source: New York Sun

Source: The Topeka State Journal

Source: The Free Trader Journal (Ottawa, Il.)
Source: Dziennik Chicagoski

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Can I at least call in sick?

This is what happens when you send your telephone sanitizers off-planet. 


Monday, December 24, 2018

Ye Olde Quackerie: Nuga-Tone

In the course of starting up this blog, I've come across an interesting topic that needs more attention than I could give it here. So, here's a manly man with a lively liver in a posing pouch.

Source: The Bee (Omaha) 17 March 1920

Friday, December 14, 2018

News of the Bob

So, News of the Bob, eh? What's this all about?

To be honest, I'm not sure yet. In the six years or seven years since I kept a regular blog, a lot has happened. I'm on the tenure track. I moved to Atlantic City. Democracy tried to kill itself. The whole time, I have had opinions, but I've managed to limit them to about, oh, 85,000 tweets or so.

I've been a member of the exciting (but now late) Virtual Skeptics, a weekly gathering of friends who talked about weird news.

I still have the Conspiracy Guy column at the Skeptical Inquirer website. When I can, I submit articles to the print version. (I have an article I co-authored with Mike Jarsulic in the current issue about Arthur J. Cramp, a doctor at the AMA whose quackbusting helped professionalize American medicine.)

I've also had a couple of shorter articles in the magazine about a cancer quack in Houston who shall remain Burzynski. In fact, a lot of the last several years has been devoted to documenting this guy's amateurish approach to cancer research and the people who have died along the way. Most notably, there was The OTHER Burzynski Patient Group website. It's upsetting reading. That work led to an appearance on the main stage at The Amazing Meeting:

That work also led the quack Burzynski to call the FBI on me, because true charlatans have no shame. I've written all that I want to about that really unpleasant episode here, careful to not waive lawyer-client privilege on any discussion other than what is explicitly discussed there. And I write about that with thanks to Ken White of, who represented me pro bono in that matter and who is KILLING it on his two podcasts, All the President's Lawyers (knowledgeable weekly commentary about why you are lucky you are not Judge Otero) and Make No Law, a show about the First Amendment.

I still haven't figured out what this site is going to be about. I'll let you know when I do.